Friday, November 30, 2012

 “Day On The River”

River Run Angler’s “ Day On The River” is in it’s 16th year.
Over the years we have had a  lot of fun sharing Aaron “Speybum” Reimer’s undying passion for Flyfcasting in general with Speycasting in particular. 
Over the years the people who have joined me varied in equipment they use

"Merry Christmas from Speybum"


From a Few

To The  Good Old Boys

The New Caster

The Instructors 

Aaron Speybum Reimer


Those who come help those who need it.

Bill Z
Greg B

Whether overhead or Spey we can help

Whether you are young or old or even new to the sport please come and join us for “Free Fly Casting Instruction.” according to the Guidelines set forth by “International Federation Of Flyfishers”.

"There is no way having so much fun should be legal but it is!"

So come join our "Community"

Saturdays From 9:00 to !2:00 
Fall City Washington