Awarded to a member or members for continued support of the program through mentoring, teaching and inspiring students.
“Aaron Reimer, Carnation, WA, epitomizes what we consider an ideal casting mentor. His nomination letter details a group that he formed years ago called “Day on the river”. Some spey casters he’d met were having trouble getting it right and were invited by Aaron to a “day on the river” to hopefully fix the problems. The problems were quickly fixed, and word spread that if you needed help with spey casting, join the “day on the river” group with Aaron. Now the group meets 49 Saturdays a year, Aaron’s wife insists on 3 Saturdays for her. The group is bigger now, and other instructors show up to help, and a variety of rods and lines are available to cast, but the mentoring spirit that Aaron began continues. Aaron is a CI and THCI and is working on his Masters certification.
Most of us were fortunate to have a mentor or two in our formative years, many avid spey casters can claim Aaron as theirs!”
Bruce Richards
FFF CICP Board Chair
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